My body gets a bit confused when I travel.
Yesterday I woke up like a rocket was launched in to the air. I had a dream of a snake which had crawled up to my pillow to cuddle. It was friendly, and it felt really good until I remembered I'm afraid of snakes. Bugs started running under my skin. The feeling was so intense, I freaked out with an horrible sensation all over my body.
I jumped out of the bed with panic disorder, only to find my blanket on the floor and myself standing in the middle of an apartment. I realized quite soon that I was no longer where I thought I was.
My fear of snakes started when me and my mom was picking blueberries around 20 years ago. I was about five years old and after a while we walked in to a pit and was surrounded by 30 poisonous snakes. Since then I've always been cautious in nature.
But I thought I had cured my phobia. I once saw a documentary about snakes and they were really caring. It didn't look much different from a human family. It felt like i could understand them somehow.
I guess these extremes have to convert before they can form a harmonic tone.