The question has been asked for quite a while now. When are you going to start a blog?
Time has brought me down to the conclusion, I can no longer escape this inconvenient question with further explanations. Dyslexia, irresponsibility, lack of motivation and fear of exposing myself have always been comforting excuses in an ongoing pattern.
But it's been too easy, way too long I've been hiding in my own justification simply because I've been afraid of not making a real attempt or effort. It's weird how hard it seems to be, instead of just trying to keep something real and creative alive in a natural flow.
I can picture myself with a scarecrow on my shoulder, telling me it's too hard or won't be good. Almost like I'm not in control of my own mind. Well this ends today. I'm finally stepping out of my comfortable nest. This is the day I'm starting my blog.
/ Michèl Ruths